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Earth Day

Earth Day is a time to show appreciation, get into new habits and make sure you’re aware of how you can help contribute with taking care of our planet. While every day is technically a day to be kind to the planet, April 22 is Earth Day—a time to show appEarth Day is a time to show appreciation, get into new habits and make sure you’re aware of how you can help contribute with taking care of our planet. While every day is technically a day to be kind to the planet, April 22 is Earth Day—a time to show app




This Earth Day, I want us to acknowledge the importance of nature, and to raise continued awareness about the depletion of Earth’s natural resources.


We’re so fortunate that we can enjoy the planet’s beauty and bounty. We all have the power to make sure our actions sustain and appreciate this planet together.


Let’s make sure to take a moment to reflect on what the Earth provides for us and how we can be better. It’s important we remind ourselves everyday to try to leave the planet a better place than we found it.


Earth Day is a time to show appreciation, get into new habits and make sure you’re aware of how you can help contribute with taking care of our planet. While every day is technically a day to be kind to the planet, April 22 is Earth Day—a time to show appreciation and get into new habits if needed.


At Anne Fontaine, we believe that businesses can only sustain with consideration and respect for human rights and protection of the environment. The brand was built on this foundation, and Anne Fontaine remains committed to leaving the world better than she found it.


In recognition of Earth Day, we've compiled a list of ways to make a difference in your life and the world around you.


Earth Day is a great time to immerse yourself in the beauty of Mother Nature. Take a relaxing walk, or spend some time reading by the water. Just get outside and be one with nature. Anne is constantly inspired by the natural beauty and rhythm of our planet and regularly draws inspiration from Mother Nature for her designs. Her favorite past time is spending quality time outdoors with her family to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine at their countryside home in Normandy, France. Anne is a person who values outdoor time. Regardless of the weather - she ensures daily that she spends time outside, even if it is to walk their family dog, Naia.



Buying fresh, local produce can help the environment because produce shipped across the country has to travel further than ever before. By buying your produce at the Farmers Market in your neighborhood, you’ll be helping reduce pollution plus fossil fuel consumption, while also supporting your local economy. An important reason for Anne to shop at her local farmers market is that you are helping out small-scale farmers, as it provides a low-barrier entry point for them. Purchasing from your local farmers market gives you access to quality foods, reducies food waste and keeps your food supply safe from harmful chemicals. 



For a lasting impact on the environment, invest in a plastic-free water bottle. You’ll be saving tons of plastic waste and saving you money, too. This reusable water bottle will not only keep you hydrated throughout the day but save you money on buying bottled water as well. Shop Anne's favorite here - the mother of all reusable glass water bottles.



We use 100 billion plastic bags every year, so why not try to be eco-friendly and stylish with a reusable bag? They’re easy to carry, look cute, and can easily be used every day. It’s time we start doing our part as consumers by reducing our waste. Shop our Anne Fontaine Eco-bag partly made of recycled plastic bottles (100% PET), the folded ECO BAG is reusable and environmentally-friendly. All proceeds go directly to the Anne Fontaine Foundation.



If you want to be green, there are many ways to do so. By taking public transport, riding your bike or just walking blocks instead of driving, you can save on gas and reduce your carbon footprint. Think about how much carbon dioxide you’re releasing into the air and it will motivate you to get creative with alternative transportation options that save money and are good for the environment. Our team in the New York office frequently uses the CitiBike as an alternate way to commute around Manhattan!



Plant trees. For a ton of reasons. They give aesthetic value to your community, help make the air healthier, provide shade and cooling in the summer, act as carbon sponges and help clean the air, and can offer food as well. Planting some fruits and veggies also cuts down on fossil fuel emissions by not having to transport them. Committed to a path of a more sustainable future for their business and family –  Anne and her family decided to start an organic farm which produces 80% of their food, which drastically reduced their carbon footprint by reducing waste.



Supermarkets are notorious for their plastic packaging. They provide a convenient way to showcase food, but unfortunately, every single piece of plastic that enters the environment is damaging. If you can’t go completely plastic free, be smart about choosing your items. Choose products with minimal or no plastic packaging and keep the amount of trash produced by your shopping trip to a minimum. At Anne Fontaine, we are committed to sustainability and that includes not harming the environment with unnecessary plastic. All of our shopping bags are made from paper – recycled or certified, FSC paper. 



We waste a lot of water, even if we live in a country where it is plentiful. Avoid overwatering your plants and improve their health by knowing how much your garden really needs. Water at the soil level improves drainage and prevents disease, leading to greener, more productive plants. Learn more on the importance of conserving water and how you can get started today.



When it comes to gifting, we want to make sure that every gift you give is as thoughtful and meaningful as the person who will receive it. Everyone loves to give and receive, but many of them come with a high carbon footprint. Take the time to think about swapping your typical gifts and wrapping with eco-friendly options. Discover our eco-friendly gifting options at ANNE FONTAINE. Proceeds help raise awareness about the reforestation and protection of the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest (Mata Atlântica). 



Celebrate Earth Day by going green in your own home. Take a moment to check what appliances you have turned on and check if they are really necessary. You can also make sure you have all the lights you aren’t using turned off, and turn off all electronics at night before bed. We have a policy of reducing the use of electricity in the headquarters. As a result, all electricity in our headquarters (except priority outlets) is automatically switched off every evening to avoid useless consumption.




The Anne Fontaine Foundation was created in 2011 by the French and Brazilian fashion designer Anne Fontaine following her unique experience living in the Amazon forest when she was 17. TThe Anne Fontaine Foundation was created in 2011 by the French and Brazilian fashion designer Anne Fontaine following her unique experience living in the Amazon forest when she was 17. T
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